From the Pen of Ken

Have you ever heard, “all they ever do is ask for money?” If you are still reading this you know the answer. As a matter of fact, I have made that statement and others that are similar. I feel the same way when I listen to some of the appeals made by so called television evangelists as well.
I have worked and ministered in a non-profit Christian radio environment for many years. As a listener to other Christian stations and ministries I will confess that at times I get rather tired of listening to the appeals, too. Therein lies the struggle. How do you get the message across without seeming you are desperate? At Missionary Radio we try our best to let you know the facts without all the pomp and circumstance and hyperbole. Two times a year we share with you exactly what it takes to operate Missionary Radio and how important it is that we remain 100% listener-funded. We believe if we share with you in an honest, sincere and biblical manner, then you can respond as you see and sense you are led by the Holy Spirit.
One of those times is traditionally known as Care-a-thon. Our “Come to Jesus” Care-a-thon is Tuesday and Wednesday, October 8th and 9th, and Thursday morning, October 10th. We are asking you to renew you faith promise, and if you are able, to please bump up your faith pledge this year. If you haven’t made the move to partner with us, we of course encourage you to make that move. Often over a period of time we all have to make some adjustments in our charitable giving. If you had to stop for a time, we encourage you to come back and support Missionary Radio again.
You are making a difference in the lives of each individual that listens to Missionary Radio and in all walks of life. We receive feedback from notes sent to us of how something said, a song, or a broadcast is used, as only the Holy Spirit can do.
You can make your faith promise online at www.missionary.radio, click on donate and see the opportunities there for you. Also, you can send your faith pledge to us by mail to Missionary Radio, PO Box 1029, Hopkinsville, KY 42241, or call us during our “Come to Jesus” Care-a-thon, October 8th and 9th from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Thursday morning from 6:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m., toll free at 877-885-9655.
All of us would love to hear your voice sharing your Missionary Radio testimony. We have a number you can call and record a word of encouragement on what Missionary Radio means to you. That number is 270-962-4055. You might be the one who prompts others to be a partner with us in our “Come to Jesus” Care-a-thon.
Missionary Radio Antenna Upgrade

After several decades of use, the old WNKJ 89.3 FM antenna needed replaced. Due to your generosity, we were able to purchase and install a new one in time to start our 44th year of broadcasting. We thank you for your gifts to make the purchase and the generous gift that was given to pay for the installation. As you know, Missionary Radio is more than one station. We are 91.7 FM in the Madisonville area and 90.5 FM in all of Western, KY and parts of Tennessee, and our translators, 98.9 FM in Dickson, TN, 101.7 FM in Providence, KY and 92.1 FM in Murray, online at www.missionary.radio and our app for either your iPhone or Android device. We have purchased a new antenna as well for 90.5 FM and that will be installed soon.
Speaking of our app, you can now download our new app. The old one doesn’t work, and it will not. You probably will want to delete it. To get the current app for your Android device, go to Google Play and use the key words “missionary radio.” The same applies for your Apple device, go to the App store and use the key words “missionary radio.”