How to Send Announcements

We are glad to help promote your event.  However, we need your information two weeks ahead of time sent by e-mail to, by fax 270-885-7210, or by mail to Missionary Radio, PO Box 1029, Hopkinsville, KY 42241. 

Please Note: We will not take announcements by phone.

You may bring it by 1100 East 18th Street in Hopkinsville during business hours.  If we are not open, then you can leave it in the slot at the front door and we will get it. 

If you leave it on the weekend in the slot, you will not hear your announcement on the air or see it on the website until the following week.

We rotate ALL announcements and cannot guarantee how many times they will be aired.

  • Revival

    Fairview Memorial Church at 10780 Old Jefferson Davis Hwy in Fairview, KY invites you to Revival Tuesday through Thursday, October 15th, 16th and 17th at 6:30 nightly.  Speaking Tuesday is Curley Elmore, Wednesday is Rev. Mike Bullard, and Thursday is Rev. Mike Miller.  The theme is “Revival Changes Things.”

  • Women’s Seminar

    Ladies are invited to Red Box Ministries 9th Annual Women’s Seminar, “No More Fear,” on Saturday, October 19th, with Registration/Breakfast from 8-9 a.m., and the Seminar from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at William O. Beach Civic Hall.  There will be Speakers, Praise & Worship, The Word of God, and more.

  • Church Anniversary

    Virginia Street Baptist Church will observe their 173rd Church Anniversary on Sunday, October 20th beginning with Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.  The 10:30 a.m. guest will be Rev. Dr. Michael Rice, Pastor and congregation of First Baptist Church, Glasgow, KY.  The theme is “Still Under Construction” Matthew 16:18. The colors for the day are orange and black.